Review Policy/Contact

Genres I Review: Besides posting my own musings on the site, I often review books. Not all books or genres capture my attention, but if they do, I like to put them in the spotlight. I'm an honest reviewer, so I don't hesitate to point out the downsides of a book. If you are an author, publisher or any writer who is interested in having me review your book, I would love to hear from you! I usually read the following genres:

  • Fantasy
  • Science Fiction
  • YA (young adult)
  • Urban Fantasy
  • Steampunk
  • Cyberpunk
  • Dystopia
  • Spiritual, philosophy, etc.

I sometimes read:

  • Miscellaneous Nonfiction
  • Horror
  • Mystery
  • Religious
  • Poetry

Most other genres I rarely read, unless it sounds appealing or someone asked me to read it. I try to review a book as soon as possible after finishing it, unless I have a predetermined review date (which hasn't happened yet). Sometimes, if I've really had an affinity with a certain book, I will write an extended review. An extended review tends to be much longer and in-depth than the normal ones.

I will gladly accept review requests for any book, but preferably one of the genres listed above. I would be happy to welcome guest reviewers or guest review myself on someone's blog.

Interviews: If you are an author/writer and would like to do an interview, it would be my pleasure. Contact me with your name, request, and any other information you think I might need. I interview through email, as it is simpler for everyone. Just keep these things in mind. Thanks! ;-)

I can be contacted at:

My other blog:

My Facebook Profile:

My Goodreads Profile:

My Twitter Profile: To contact, tweet @TyCrisp

My Shelfari Profile:

-Ival Ty Crisp

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